🦄Custom Functions


Custom functions are written like any normal JavaScript function. A components reactive store can be accessed via the API or Magic Refs. We recommend the use of custom functions wherever possible to minimise complex logic creeping into attributes.


<span x-text="first_name + ' ' + last_name"></span>

Whilst this is convenient, it becomes significantly more challenging to maintain.

<span x-text="fullName($store)"></span>

In this example, we utilise the magic references available in attribute expressions.

function fullName(store) {
 return store.first_name + ' ' + store.last_name;
 // or return `${store.first_name} ${store.last_name}`;

Magic Refs


Here's the submitForm() function used in the x-on:submit example.

<form x-on:submit="submitForm($store, $event)">
    <input x-model="fields.first_name">
    <input x-model="fields.last_name">
function submitForm(store, evt) {
    // reset the state
    store.displaySuccess = false;
    store.displayError = false;
    // log the fields data
    //update the state to display the success message
    store.displaySuccess = true;

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